
creativity will persist—

Drawing on inspiration from artists around the world, we have developed art kits to provide kids a creative outlet.


The idea was originally conceived in the throes of quarantine, with art projects a constant activity for my 2 year-old son, Rainer. Over the last few months, with many resources we have come to take for granted — schools, libraries, museums — closed, the need to be resourceful and create ways of keeping kids engaged has become all the more urgent.

By pairing craft projects with an artist, kids become exposed to what an art history lesson, book or museum often provides: inspiration, context, and discovery. With materials thoughtfully sourced, instructions meticulously illustrated & packages personalized, my intention in putting these kits together is to provide kids with something special, giving them the tools to create their own original works of art. While the kits are designed for convenience, the archive is an open source for all kids to access and will populate with more projects as months go by.

Taking this concept to a new venture, hope you will checkout MAJO IDEAS to learn more.

Hope you enjoy.
Alexandra Aranda